
Alaska C-PACER (AK C-PACER) is a framework for local governments in Alaska wishing to establish commercial property assessed clean energy and resiliency (C-PACER) programs. C-PACER is an innovative clean energy financing tool that provides access to 100% upfront capital for building owners who want to upgrade their buildings with more energy efficient systems.

AK C-PACER is an initiative facilitated by the Alaska Energy Authority and supported by an Advisory Group of stakeholders from across the state. AK C-PACER has been designed to expand access to clean energy financing to ensure a sustainable future for all of Alaska.

“PACE is a smart financing tool that lowers the cost of building revitalization, stimulates job creation and reduces energy costs for our businesses. It’s a win-win-win.”

Shaina Kilcoyne, Energy & Sustainability Manager, Municipality of Anchorage

“Alaska’s local governments need all the tools necessary to meet local needs. C-PACE is an effective mechanism to help to address clean energy and energy efficiency improvements in a community. AML [Alaska Municipal League] is glad to see programs developed in response to enabling legislation, and looks forward to beneficial outcomes.”

Nils Andreassen, Executive Director, Alaska Municipal League